Monthly Archives: September 2016

Pray with someone

During our missions in NYC, we caught Br. Peter at the back of Old St. Pat’s praying the rosary with a passerby. Praying with someone, sharing each other’s struggles, is the best way to evangelize. Next time someone shares a … Continue reading

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What is a Catholic to do?

I’m one of the 100 million or so Americans who watched the presidential debate last night. Like other students of history, I had no illusion that I was watching the Lincoln-Douglas debates.  It was more like two kids on a … Continue reading

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Padre Pio does it again

Not again! Why was someone knocking at my door? Another broken light switch, no doubt. I ignored the knocking and continued my studying. I was nearing the end of my time in Rome. Electrical work always came easy to me, … Continue reading

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Idle worship

Despite the old joke I tell my kids, I really didn’t walk 25 miles to school in the school, uphill both ways.  I either lived with a mile of school – or took the school bus. Taking the bus wasn’t … Continue reading

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Devout comes cheap

She was one of those little old ladies you see often in our parish:  kneeling, praying the rosary, lace head covering, a look of quiet piety.  Ah, what a devout Catholic. Mass had started, but I was still in the … Continue reading

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princesses and thunderstorms

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there!” “Father, we have to do this, the girls have been preparing all day for it.” It was the last day of the Cinderella-themed Girls Summer Camp I was … Continue reading

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The Missionary Mentality

It’s a normal day on Facebook : presidential commentary, comical videos, cute overloads and friends’ baby uploads. Then, almost as if it were radiating straight to your pupils, you see that one friend’s updated profile picture in a field with … Continue reading

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I will stand

I will always stand for the national anthem. Once I didn’t and it was a foolish moment I regret.  Let me explain. College was a chaotic time for me (and our country).  It was the early 1970s, and the protests … Continue reading

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A Plastic Wrapper, a Sign from God

The little piece of trash under my boot was a sign from God. I knew it.  For four years the Mission Youth team has been visiting Gallette-Chambon, a small village outside of Port-au-Prince.  This small gathering of huts, suffering immense … Continue reading

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Profession of vows

“By your profession of vows today, you are telling the world that Jesus is real.” – Fr. John Connor On Saturday, 22 brothers professed vows (one missed the photo!): 16 of them for the first time, 5 renewed, and Br. Adrian … Continue reading

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