Author Archives: Fr Kevin McKenzie LC

About Fr Kevin McKenzie LC

Fr Kevin McKenzie LC comes from Saint Louis, Missouri from a family of nine. He spent the last five years studying Philosophy and Theology in Rome. Ordained a priest in December, he now helps as chaplain at a small Catholic school in Cincinnati, and on the weekends directs retreats for boys in southeastern Indiana.

Thanking God for 10 Years of Joy

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of my perpetual profession of vows. That’s when I made lifelong vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. It was also the sixteenth anniversary of my first profession. Joy—that sunny September day in Connecticut—it was a … Continue reading

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Being a priest is fun!

The other day I was celebrating mass at a local parish while outside it rained and thundered. The storm grew steadily in volume until at the consecration, as I held up the host, lightning struck the church and the power … Continue reading

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patron saint origins

Ever wonder how a saint becomes the “patron saint” of something? What did Anthony find to become patron saint of lost things? Or Jude, the patron saint of lost causes – what did he lose to claim his title? And … Continue reading

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3 Hidden Treasures

Sometimes the greatest treasures are hidden in plain sight. Take Brother Thomas. A few days ago I had bought a mini poinsettia for the statue of Mary in our chapel. After a few days, it started to wilt. Now I … Continue reading

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Blessed José Takes Final Steps to Sainthood

Who says a fourteen-year-old can’t be a great saint? Not our Holy Father. This Sunday, Pope Francis will canonize – officially declare a “saint” – one very special fourteen-year-old, José Sánchez del Río. José is patron of both boys’ and … Continue reading

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Padre Pio does it again

Not again! Why was someone knocking at my door? Another broken light switch, no doubt. I ignored the knocking and continued my studying. I was nearing the end of my time in Rome. Electrical work always came easy to me, … Continue reading

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princesses and thunderstorms

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there!” “Father, we have to do this, the girls have been preparing all day for it.” It was the last day of the Cinderella-themed Girls Summer Camp I was … Continue reading

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a view from the asphalt

Last Saturday I officiated at my second wedding, and it was beautiful. Well, except for the fact that the wedding was at 6pm, and the priest showed up at exactly 6pm. And the rest of the story is… I was trying … Continue reading

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5 more reasons I love being a priest

I still love being a priest, here are five more reasons why: Birthday celebrity status – I must have received a world-record number of birthday cards from the kids last birthday. Took me literally hours to just read them all! Mass … Continue reading

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a new saint

I received an early birthday present: Pope Francis has approved the canonization of Blessed José Sánchez del Río, a 14 year-old Mexican martyr. Soon we can call him “Saint José”. Now I’ve written one book in my life, “Blessed José”, … Continue reading

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