Author Archives: Drew Jones

About Drew Jones

Drew Jones is a young-at-heart, fun-loving thinker living in the Washington D.C. area, hailing originally from Chattanooga, TN. He enjoys reading, traveling, sports, and adrenaline rushes. He joined the Church in 2011 and hasn't looked back - rather he just keeps reflecting, and saying please, sorry and thank you.

The Humility of a Foreigner

It is Thursday afternoon as you hurry to renew your registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles (D.M.V.). You chose to handle this task at lunch to avoid extending work into happy hour. Nevertheless, you are rushing in hopes that … Continue reading

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Missions: The Experience That Trumps the Idea

As I packed my bags for Mexico, I was really proud of my theoretically oriented blog The Missionary Mentality. I honestly thought it would open some eyes and maybe even touch a heart or two. Maybe I missed that part. … Continue reading

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The Missionary Mentality

It’s a normal day on Facebook : presidential commentary, comical videos, cute overloads and friends’ baby uploads. Then, almost as if it were radiating straight to your pupils, you see that one friend’s updated profile picture in a field with … Continue reading

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