Author Archives: Fr Michael Mitchell LC

About Fr Michael Mitchell LC

Fr Michael Mitchell was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, the second of 10 children. Presently, he works as a vocational director and youth minister in Chicago, Illinois.

A Plastic Wrapper, a Sign from God

The little piece of trash under my boot was a sign from God. I knew it.  For four years the Mission Youth team has been visiting Gallette-Chambon, a small village outside of Port-au-Prince.  This small gathering of huts, suffering immense … Continue reading

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A Patron Saint for Hopeless Churches

Last year in March, I was with the Regnum Christi apostolate Mission Youth building homes for poor families in the hills of Puebla, Mexico. Each day I drove by a small wooden hut on the side of the road. I … Continue reading

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Pope Francis’ Dream

Pope Francis revealed in Evangelii Gaudium (n. 27, quote at bottom) that he has a dream for the Church. The dream is of a Church that is fully “mission-oriented” and less concerned with “self-preservation”. It would be a Church that … Continue reading

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Oceans of Mercy

There is something about the ocean that makes you want to simply sit still a while and simply gaze out upon it. After a little bit of fun playing in the waves or lying in the sun, a day at … Continue reading

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The Anxious Savior

Another year, another Haitian Christmas, and another Haitian surprise. As usual this time of year, Mission Youth is preparing for its “Bring Christmas to Haiti” mission trip. As chaplain to this Regnum Christi apostolate, I’ve been working for a week … Continue reading

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An Orphan’s Walk with Jesus

I write this blog from Haiti where for Holy Week and Easter Mission Youth has been working with the Missionaries of Charity. During the mission trip I have been spending most of the day with the young men overseeing some … Continue reading

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Haiti update — Wednesday & Thursday

Yesterday and today were memorable days in Haiti. We have been splitting up in into small groups to get more accomplished and the days have been intense! Yesterday, Fr Edward Bentley arrived from Gallet-Chombon after two days of work. He … Continue reading

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Tuesday update from Haiti

Greetings from Haiti! All continues to go well for the mission trip. Today we spent almost 4 hours passing out food to a seemingly endless line of Haitians. They all received a 5 gallon bucket of rice and beans, a … Continue reading

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Monday report from Haiti

Today was a busy day. Half the group traveled out to a village 2 hours distant from Port-au-Prince called Gallet-Chombon. There is a church being built there to serve the farmers and villagers in that region. Last July we painted … Continue reading

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Sunday report from Haiti

We are all safe in Haiti and began our first full mission day in earnest. We picked up our last missionary, Grant, from the airport and went to the children’s home run by the Missionaries of Charity. Within minutes we … Continue reading

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