Monthly Archives: December 2016

The Day After Christmas

He saw it all. He didn’t miss a thing. Hours and days of planning and working and lovingly reflecting on how to welcome the Christ Child in your family… how to bring smiles to faces and memories to little hearts… … Continue reading

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Can a Christmas carol offend the Immaculata?

        The first time I heard the popular new carol “Mary, did you know?” sung by Cee Lo Green, I was struck by a sense of reverence at the depth of the mystery the song lays out. … Continue reading

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Prayers of pure purpose

I am confirming a rumor you likely have heard for many years.  You won’t be disappointed. Young men studying at the Legion’s seminaries, discerning a call to the priesthood, spend a good deal of time in prayer.  If a man … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mother Mary’s Help – Part 3

Today we present the last three of the nine great stories of Mary’s intercession that men send me. If you like them, check out the first three and the middle three. The last story was the ultimate winner of my … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mary’s Help – Part 2

As we saw before, I asked men to tell me the stories of how Mary helped them. I continue today with three stories as the second of three parts. (4) In February of 2013 I went to Ireland on pilgrimage. … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mary’s Help – Part 1

Mary is mother to us all. I wished I could find more stories of her helping men as some men I’ve met have had a hard time relating to her. When Crossbound Rosaries offered me a free manly paracord rosary, … Continue reading

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When live starts early

It isn’t often that I pry myself from bed at 2:45 a.m.  At that hour, I want to be sleeping, dreaming pleasant dreams of, perhaps, catching a 10-pound bass or the Blackhawks bring home the Stanley Cup (again). I have … Continue reading

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The Kingdom is Little, Near, Real

When Pope Francis was in Poland this past July, he gave a  beautifully simple and rich homily on the Kingdom. When I was preparing for the Feast of Christ the King, I clicked around online to find his homily again … Continue reading

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Thank you, fathers

Two of the men who had the most influence on my life were part of what many call “The Greatest Generation.” The attack on Pearl Harbor changed their live in ways most people today can barely imagine.  Shortly after the … Continue reading

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Fifteen Sisters

We finally took our family picture. So although the year is well underway, I´d like to introduce my community: also known as the Consecrated Women in the studies stage of formation. Including our three formators, we are a big happy … Continue reading

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