Author Archives: Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC

About Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC

In 2001, I traveled from Calgary, Canada to join the Legion. Since then I’ve been all over North America and spent some time in Rome. I currently reside in Washington doing a bunch of writing and taking care of the community while studying my Licentiate in Theology (between Masters and Doctorate). I’m most well-known on Instagram and Twitter where I have about 6,500 and 40,000 followers respectively.

Labels and Francis’s Culture of Encounter

A few weeks back I wrote a piece on why certain labels like conservative or liberal religious community are unhelpful. My argument was mainly that these labels bring a foreign concept – politics – into religion. However, as I thought … Continue reading

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Why Do We Have Traditions?

At first glance, some traditions seem meaningless. When I was a kid my family had a tradition to eat taco salad in the living room on New Year’s Eve. It was the only day of the year mom didn’t yell … Continue reading

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One Legionary’s Experience of Francis’s Election

Today is the fourth anniversary of Pope Francis’s election so I thought it appropriate moment to share how I experienced it as a religious brother studying my last year of theology before ordination in Rome. I believed the Canadian media: … Continue reading

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The Shallow Psychology and Theology of Christian Music

Ever been driving through an unfamiliar city will or stuck in traffic and just scanned through the radio stations? Somehow, even if there is an identifiable Christian lyrics like “Jesus,” most of us can identify when we’ve gotten to the Christian … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mother Mary’s Help – Part 3

Today we present the last three of the nine great stories of Mary’s intercession that men send me. If you like them, check out the first three and the middle three. The last story was the ultimate winner of my … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mary’s Help – Part 2

As we saw before, I asked men to tell me the stories of how Mary helped them. I continue today with three stories as the second of three parts. (4) In February of 2013 I went to Ireland on pilgrimage. … Continue reading

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Manly Stories of Mary’s Help – Part 1

Mary is mother to us all. I wished I could find more stories of her helping men as some men I’ve met have had a hard time relating to her. When Crossbound Rosaries offered me a free manly paracord rosary, … Continue reading

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Go and Evangelize!

How do we evangelize? What does evangelization mean? How do charity and evangelization relate? These types of questions Fr John Bartunek tried to enter in his latest book of meditations. As I read through them, I had a mixed reaction: … Continue reading

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Communion: Defined

The word “Communion” can mean so many different things in the Church: we have the Communion rite at Mass, we call the Eucharist “Communion,” we talk about communion in a group, communion with the Pope, communion with the poor and … Continue reading

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Religious Liberty: an American Innovation and Tradition

If you’ve grown up in the United States in the 20th or 21st century, you might miss how revolutionary the religious liberty in the Constitution is. Until 1791, no national government in human history had officially declared that there was … Continue reading

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