Manly Stories of Mother Mary’s Help – Part 3

motherToday we present the last three of the nine great stories of Mary’s intercession that men send me. If you like them, check out the first three and the middle three. The last story was the ultimate winner of my contest and got a free manly rosary.

(7) I am a retired soldier. My wife was a teacher for faith formation at our parish. She asked me to find her some audio Rosary CDs so she could help teach the Rosary to the fourth graders. I found some MP3 on-line and made copies of all the mysteries. I tested the copies in my car and began to listen to them every day to and from work. After about 3 months, I felt prompted to stop at our cathedral in St. Cloud. There is confession every Thursday through the weekend and I felt I had to go in. Mary prompted me to make my fist confession in over 20 years. –John

(8) This summer I began discerning my vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life. Towards the end of the summer, I prayed a 54-day Rosary Novena to Our Lady, asking Mary to show me her son’s will for my life.

On the third to last day of the Novena, I was praying the Luminous Mysteries in front of the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Then I noticed, on the floor in front of the altar, a vase of bright yellow roses. I had been in this adoration chapel every day that week, but these were new that day. The color was significant in two ways, first, because I was praying the luminous mysteries, and second because yellow roses are a symbol of friendship. I took this as Therese answering my prayer for her friendship, in addition to a nod from Our Lady.

I’m skeptical, so I wondered if this was not simply a coincidence. I asked my friend to pray about it without sharing details. He came back to me with the word “Wait.” The Gospel reading that Wednesday had been the call of Nathanael, in which Jesus says, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” I took the “wait” to refer to waiting for greater things.

After Mass on the day after I finished the novena, there were prayer teams available to pray over people for their intentions in front of a mosaic of Mary. I got in line, and then walked up to the next available couple. I hadn’t even finished introducing myself, when the woman interrupted me, and said “Oh, but I can see on your face that you are going to be a priest.” I was taken aback, and told her that indeed, my discernment was what I was about to request prayers for. As they prayed over me for strength, I had a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Now my plan is to join the seminary when I finish college in 2 years. I know that Our Lady and the Little Flower are interceding on my behalf. –Chris

And now the winner of the paracord rosary:

(9) Two years ago, I was having a hard time spiritual and mentally. I was have a hard time doing anything. I asked my mother Mary for help to guide me. I was in a dark place I started praying to God: I found a Marian medal on the side of the road and I saw mother Mary in different things. I smelled roses in places roses don’t grow. In that dark time there was three times, I wanted to end my life. And when I would look up mother Mary told me son Jesus need you. My soul was messed up, so I picked up a rosary and started praying. I feel by saying I have seen our mother that some people would call me crazy and I need to be on meds. But mother saved me from my self and told me follow our Lord my son Jesus. It’s been 2 years from the day that my world came down and mother lead me home to the Church. So if you want to know how mother Mary helped me she led me home to the church to our Lord Jesus. I have been going to church every day and my children are now altar servers. She loves all of us. –Leon

Note: I corrected minor errors and shortened stories but otherwise they are the words of the individuals.

About Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC

In 2001, I traveled from Calgary, Canada to join the Legion. Since then I’ve been all over North America and spent some time in Rome. I currently reside in Washington doing a bunch of writing and taking care of the community while studying my Licentiate in Theology (between Masters and Doctorate). I’m most well-known on Instagram and Twitter where I have about 6,500 and 40,000 followers respectively.
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