Monthly Archives: February 2013

Spiritual Exercises Part I

After returning to Michigan from the single greatest experience of my life, I am finally able to breathe, soak in all the beautiful graces of God, and tell my story. It all started on Sunday, February 3rd at around 9p.m. … Continue reading

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Monk Mode: Spending More Time with God During Lent

About seven miles off western coast of Ireland, a lonely island looms out of the sea, the tip of a massive oceanic mountain. 54 acres and 715 feet high, Skellig Michael is home only to a colony of Northern Gannets, … Continue reading

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The Implications of Living Celibacy

“In the Name of”, the first of 19 competition entries to screen at this year’s Berlin film festival, focuses on a priest’s struggle with his sexuality while working with troubled youths in a deprived corner of rural Poland where drug … Continue reading

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Habemus papam

Habemus papam? Yes! At the beginning of the Holy Father´s last Homily, given on Ash Wednesday, I was struck by the words: “Tonight we are gathered around the tomb of the Apostle Peter, to request his intercession for the Church’s … Continue reading

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The Presentation

Here in Rome the Holy Father usually has a special mass for consecrated persons on February 2nd. Since it was the middle of exams and I should have studied more this semester, I considered skipping it this year. I love … Continue reading

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Failure is in the Eye of the Beholder

It was about to be the greatest success in my Cheesecake making career. (That is Cheesecake with a capital “C”; in my house Cheesecake is a proper noun.) The day before, the senior class had slaved away in the kitchen … Continue reading

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Seated at last in St. Peter’s Basilica, waiting for mass to begin, I had a few moments to reflect on this unique moment that we are living. There had been the usual rush from the house to catch the train, … Continue reading

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The Room

What does a room say about someone? We can all remember that guy in college who we assumed was a biology major from the stuff growing in his dorm room. We can all remember a film where there is this … Continue reading

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Remember Saint Valentine!

Valentine’s Day is great romantic fun for lots of folks. Couples go out to dinner (and restaurants make lots of money). Men send candy and flowers to women (and confectioners and florists make lots of money). People of every sort … Continue reading

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Three Tips for Lent

1. More and better prayer: (Daily Mass or rosary, Gospel meditation, etc. ) and try to pray better in an area that is most difficult for you. Christ PRAYED for 40 days in the desert! 2. Pick your porcupine: be … Continue reading

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