Author Archives: Br. Dominic Sternhagen

About Br. Dominic Sternhagen

Br. Dominic grew up on the West Coast near Portland, Oregon, and attended the Seminary of Christ the King run by Benedictines in Mission, British Columbia. He joined the Candidacy in 2004, and did his Novitiate and year of Humanities in Cheshire, and Philosophy in Thornwood. He spent three years in Ireland as Prefect of Studies at the Dublin Novitiate before completing his Master's degree in Philosophy in Rome. He is currently doing youth work in the greater Philadelphia area.

Cheshire seen through an afternoon mist

  I recently had the grace to spend some days of retreat in Cheshire. Ten years ago I walked those halls as a first year novice, and the memories that flooded my thoughts and prayers these days were innumerable, both … Continue reading

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Pope Francis enters Jerusalem

My favorite moment of Pope Francis’s installation mass was actually before he came out of St Peter’s. Some brothers and I had managed, thanks to a combination of factors (nice guards, neat cassocks and empty seats), to get into the … Continue reading

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Where were you, when they elected Pope Francis?

Everyone has their own story, and most of the ones coming out of the seminary here are adventurous, desperate tales of mad sprints in cassock, leather dress shoes disintegrating under the strain, through the driving rain, dodging nuns and Roman … Continue reading

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Sede Vacante

Today is a cold grey day, one of those days where the sun is just a patch of lighter grey in the steely sky. From my office I can just make out Castel Gandolfo, perched on the rim of ancient … Continue reading

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The Benedict Generation

The feast of the Chair of St Peter. A week from today that chair will be empty. But Benedict has been the Pope of my vocation, and I think it is fitting on this day to pay him tribute for … Continue reading

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Habemus papam

Habemus papam? Yes! At the beginning of the Holy Father´s last Homily, given on Ash Wednesday, I was struck by the words: “Tonight we are gathered around the tomb of the Apostle Peter, to request his intercession for the Church’s … Continue reading

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Seated at last in St. Peter’s Basilica, waiting for mass to begin, I had a few moments to reflect on this unique moment that we are living. There had been the usual rush from the house to catch the train, … Continue reading

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Survivals and New Arrivals

Gorse is a spiny shrub common across Western Europe, but particularly prevalent in Ireland and England. I knew of it from almost as far back as I can remember, listening to my mother read to us from Winnie the Pooh, … Continue reading

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Our Lady of Thornwood

Material things come and go, but Thornwood came and went perhaps quicker than most.  I was deeply saddened when I heard the news – who would not be, who had found there a home. And yet we have no lasting … Continue reading

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