Monthly Archives: February 2013

Walking By Candlelight

I am in a deep sleep when suddenly I hear the words “Christ Our King” float down from somewhere nearby. “Thy Kingdom Come!” I respond, waiting for the lights to come on. I wait. And I wait…and nothing happens. Still … Continue reading

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Where there is no love, put love

“Where there is no love, put love and you will draw out love.” St. John of the Cross I had the opportunity for several years to occasionally hear Confessions at local Catholic High School. I cut through the busy cafeteria … Continue reading

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We’re All Human

This winter has been a disaster. You may have noticed that my posts have become more sporadic here. The reason is really simple: I have spent about two weeks in bed between various colds and the flu. Lying in bed … Continue reading

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Lost Soul

During the Lenten season some years ago, I had a very deep experience that changed the way I see every person I encounter in my life. I was flying from Philadelphia to Washington DC; a pretty short flight, about 35 … Continue reading

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Priestly celibacy

“People in the world think that the vow of chastity makes us inhuman, makes us become like stones, without feelings. Each one of us can tell them it is not true. It is the vow of chastity that gives us … Continue reading

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Thank the Pope on Twitter

You never know the effects of something small. You can see part of my room on one of the staircases in the house and several brothers told me that they are reminded to pray by the images of the Sacred … Continue reading

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Faith and Truth

“Faith is knowing the truth and adhering to it; charity is “walking” in the truth”. What truth? The truth our faith tells us: that God is love and He has love me first; That I need to pardon my brother … Continue reading

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Spiritual Exercises Part III

On the last day, it happened to be GORGEOUS outside. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining bright over the 2+ feet of snow, making it shimmer. Now if you know me, you know that … Continue reading

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Spiritual Exercises Part II

Literally the moment I began to allow God to lead me, everything changed. Instead of insisting that I wasn’t getting anything from the talks, I listened more intently and spent most of my time in the chapel meditating. I noticed … Continue reading

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The Benedict Generation

The feast of the Chair of St Peter. A week from today that chair will be empty. But Benedict has been the Pope of my vocation, and I think it is fitting on this day to pay him tribute for … Continue reading

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