Author Archives: Nicolette Chmiel

About Nicolette Chmiel

Nicolette Chmiel is a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi. She hails from Ohio, and currently is doing youth work in Cincinnati.

Benediction in a Tipi

Well, I have always admired St. Isaac Jogues for his courageous evangelization to the Native Americans. I can only image the fervor with which he celebrated Mass for the Iroquois in their little Indian tipis. It is sometimes easy to … Continue reading

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Change, but I Wouldn’t Change It!

After four intense years at Mater Ecclesia College, my graduation day has finally arrived. In the past days and weeks I have been reflecting on all the experiences we have gone through as a class. These have been years of … Continue reading

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Failure is in the Eye of the Beholder

It was about to be the greatest success in my Cheesecake making career. (That is Cheesecake with a capital “C”; in my house Cheesecake is a proper noun.) The day before, the senior class had slaved away in the kitchen … Continue reading

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Will You Help Me?

The diversity of cultures in the senior class has broadened my worldview. Hosting students from Spain, Mexico, El Salvador and the United State, the 2013 graduating class will be the most multicultural class graduating MEC. My experience has been that … Continue reading

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