Tuesday update from Haiti

Greetings from Haiti! All continues to go well for the mission trip. Today we spent almost 4 hours passing out food to a seemingly endless line of Haitians. They all received a 5 gallon bucket of rice and beans, a bag of frozen chicken, a bag of sugar and coffee, oil, toothpaste and soap and lastly a large bag of pasta. It was great to really see the efforts of the missionaries and the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity. It was tiring work but well worth it. Tomorrow we will also be passing out food and Christmas gifts.

The three missionaries out in the countryside have finished their work and will join us tomorrow. We will send pictures tomorrow night if the wifi holds out! 

Connor and Artur, two very tough missionaries and great to have on the trip!

The rest of the day was spent with the kids in the Children’s home. Some of the kids are doing better like Doudeline, who finally sat up after three days. We have had no word on Nicholson who was sent to the hospital, no news is good news. One little boy whom we nicknamed “sad eyes” is doing worse so please keep him in your prayers.

Toward the end of the day we began decorating for Christmas. The orphanage will become a festive place tomorrow when we finish putting up the Christmas lights.



About Fr Michael Mitchell LC

Fr Michael Mitchell was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, the second of 10 children. Presently, he works as a vocational director and youth minister in Chicago, Illinois.
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