Monthly Archives: April 2018

Internship: The Write Tools for Priesthood

“A writer will do anything to avoid the act of writing.” – On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction. Author William Zinsser knows me well; the blinking cursor of a white computer screen infuses dread. What am I … Continue reading

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How Not to Pray Like a Toddler

I know Jesus said that unless we become like children, we’ll never enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:3). Fulton J. Sheen in The Eternal Galilean was speaking of heaven when he wrote: “No old people enter it…. There are … Continue reading

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Living the Our Father at the Regnum Christi General Assembly

Every morning at the Regnum Christi General Assembly in Rome, we had the grace of beginning the day with Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, next door to the General Directorate of the Legionaries of Christ and … Continue reading

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Heirs in Valor of the Champions of Old

Struck is the heart when the realization that the young girl in the foreground lays wounded on a tomb as a war rages outside the place where she sleeps. There she is, beautiful and innocent as can be on a … Continue reading

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Mary, Our Lady of Hygge

You’ve probably seen or heard the Danish word hygge: it made the Oxford Dictionary’s shortlist for “word of the year” in 2016, and its popularity hasn’t waned since. Pictures with #hygge are still popping up on Instagram, and you can … Continue reading

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Death? When? Today?

Have you ever had a close-to-death experience? I’ve had a couple of them. Believe me, they are nothing pleasant. One of them happened not so long ago when I visited my family in Mexico in December 2016. At that time … Continue reading

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Lessons from Faustina

Many years ago, a friend lent me her copy of St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy in My Soul, praising the dense book with tiny print for its insight, with the promise that I’d find immeasurable graces and assured transformation of soul … Continue reading

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Lessons from the Orchid

I have to start with a complex disclaimer.  I’m not a gardener, nor a flower person, and as for growing things, well, I do not have a green thumb. Orchids always have scared me. My wife is better at growing … Continue reading

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Celebrating Easter When You Failed at Lent

I have a bad habit of evaluating my Lenten performance. “I had a good Lent” means I faithfully stuck to my Lenten promise without forgetting or “cheating”, I kept my family on track with a concrete goal, I got them … Continue reading

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The Hour of Br. Anthony

Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come. It is like a man away on a journey, who upon leaving his house and putting his slaves in charge, assigning to each one his task, also commanded the doorkeeper … Continue reading

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