Monthly Archives: March 2018

Living the Corporal Works of Mercy During Lent (Burying the Dead)

This year, our family is wrapping up a seven-year Lenten journey through the corporal works of mercy. We’ve given food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, welcomed the stranger, clothed the naked, cared for the sick, and visited the … Continue reading

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Rejoice in the Light of Truth

If you have ever walked through a house of mirrors you know what it is like to laugh at your distorted image because you know that you really do not look like that in reality. But what if you didn’t … Continue reading

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Living the Corporal Works of Mercy During Lent (I was sick, and you cared for me.)

After four years of making our way through the corporal works of mercy each Lent (feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, and clothing the naked), our family arrived at the fifth corporal work of mercy: … Continue reading

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When the Children of God Play the Flute

I am not a dancer. Of the many elements of self-discovery achieved in my recently abandoned teens, this is among the ones I am most certain about. As much as it pains me to accept it, it pains me even … Continue reading

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Dads Need not be Famous

St. Joseph is the most famous man we have ever heard of whom we know so little about. Everything we know for certain about Joseph appears in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.  It isn’t very much by Wikipedia standards. … Continue reading

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They really were the good old days

Sunday’s were different when I was a kid. We went to church, took a walk and played in the yard, maybe watched a baseball game on TV, and had a big “Sunday Dinner.” In those days, mom didn’t worry about … Continue reading

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Living the Corporal Works of Mercy During Lent (I was imprisoned and you visited me.)

After working our way through the first five corporal works of mercy during Lent (feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, and caring for the sick), it was time for our little family … Continue reading

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Living the Corporal Works of Mercy During Lent (I was naked, and you clothed me.)

Over the past three Lents, our family had worked through the first three corporal works of mercy: we focused on feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, and welcoming the stranger. In the fourth year of our journey through the … Continue reading

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