Monthly Archives: November 2015

3-Month Mark

November 11 marked my first 3 months of living in Madrid. Has it gone fast or slow? Have I liked it or has it been hard? Umm…good questions. Maybe it’d be easier to put it in some highs and lows. … Continue reading

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My Shepherd KING

Ancient Israelites saw the figure of their king as more than a ruler, a governor, or an authority. He was meant to be a shepherd, close to his people, bearing their burdens and protecting them. The king was only a … Continue reading

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The readings today put us in the context of being in the last days. It is good to remember that our time is limited and we don’t know when our time will end. A few days ago in Paris the … Continue reading

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Friday afternoons are my quiet time. My wife works and I am alone in the home/office to finish up projects from the week and take a look at what the following week looks like. Yesterday was no exception.  I had … Continue reading

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Halloween Vespers

Yes, there´s Halloween in Spain. And although it was never a huge deal for me growing up, now I love seeing pictures of my nieces´ and nephews´ costumes…and of course, I never mind an excuse to eat chocolate. It’s the … Continue reading

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What Does Revelation Reveal?

How would you reveal yourself to someone?  Stand in front of them, maybe. Shake their hand.  What if they were blind?  Speak to them.  What if they were deaf?  Don’t speak — use sign language. How would you reveal yourself … Continue reading

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Dump the negativity!

A 1972 Datsun chugging at a stoplight would not get a second look, well maybe from an antique car dealer. External appearances, whether positive or negative, tend to be the driving force for judgements. Hardly able to hold back their … Continue reading

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Three women on a plane from Denver to Detroit and a real ghost story

“…the jar of flour did not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry…” –1st Kings 17:16 On Wednesday, November 4, 2015, on Southwest flight 5141, during the Denver-to-Detroit leg of the trip (the flight continued on to Atlanta where … Continue reading

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My Servant KING

“Behold the servant of the Lord” Christ never did anything for himself. His life, his words, his miracles- all reflect his prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come!” His focus wasn’t his impact, his legacy, his importance. He glorified the LORD, his Father, … Continue reading

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A life for a life?

Army Sgt. Dennis Weichel, 29, died in Afghanistan in March.  He lifted a little girl out of the way of a huge military truck and was, himself, crushed. Pfc. Ross A. McGinnis died in Iraq in 2006, when he jumped … Continue reading

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