Monthly Archives: December 2013

Haiti update — Wednesday & Thursday

Yesterday and today were memorable days in Haiti. We have been splitting up in into small groups to get more accomplished and the days have been intense! Yesterday, Fr Edward Bentley arrived from Gallet-Chombon after two days of work. He … Continue reading

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The Monk and the Lion

I recently visited Getty Museum in Los Angeles with my community. One of the main exhibits was a collection of Psalters from the 13th century, books used by monks to pray. The pages of the books contained psalms and traditional … Continue reading

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Tuesday update from Haiti

Greetings from Haiti! All continues to go well for the mission trip. Today we spent almost 4 hours passing out food to a seemingly endless line of Haitians. They all received a 5 gallon bucket of rice and beans, a … Continue reading

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The Kingdom becomes Reality

What is the Kingdom? For the past year, discovering the Kingdom has been a mission like no other at Mater Ecclesiae College. What is it? What does it mean? How can we extend it? This October, the quest took on … Continue reading

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Monday report from Haiti

Today was a busy day. Half the group traveled out to a village 2 hours distant from Port-au-Prince called Gallet-Chombon. There is a church being built there to serve the farmers and villagers in that region. Last July we painted … Continue reading

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Sunday report from Haiti

We are all safe in Haiti and began our first full mission day in earnest. We picked up our last missionary, Grant, from the airport and went to the children’s home run by the Missionaries of Charity. Within minutes we … Continue reading

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The Struggle for Holiness

“I am a sinner.” Listening to Pope Francis and his way of boiling down philosophical and theological teachings to simple pithy statements (and often to no words at all) has helped me to better understand what it means to be … Continue reading

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Third week of Advent

We continue in our path to the discover those words that mark the season; we’ve reflected upon joy and hope, this week let’s get a closer look into peace. Peace: No fast walking, no texts, no chat rooms, no loud … Continue reading

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A change of heart

Our last day here in Haiti. We just go home for meetings and Christmas — and then come back with 50 missionaries to start the year 2014 in Haiti. It is almost four years since we started coming to Haiti … Continue reading

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Obedience Tested, Obedience Strengthened

Most everyone experiences recurring dreams.  On a recent morning, after a long night at the local Urgent Care with our fifteen-year old daughter, I experienced what has been, for many years now, what I would call a “recurring grace.” Like … Continue reading

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