Author Archives: Rene Pomarico

About Rene Pomarico

Renee Pomarico was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA and spent her teenage years in Denver, CO. Renee was consecrated in 2000, and has a bachelor’s degree in Education and Development from Anahuac University, as well as a licentiate in Religious Sciences from Regina Apostolorum. Renee spent four years directing the youth work in Florida and five years teaching at Immaculate Conception Academy. She is currently a formator and professor for young women in the initial stage of discernment for consecrated life at the formation center in Monterrey, Mexico.

Forgiveness is an Attitude of the Heart

“How could you care more about leaving for work than helping your son?” “All I need to hear is ‘I’m sorry’ and everything will be fine!” No matter the particular circumstance, we all face situations where we need to forgive. … Continue reading

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Memories of Daniela Heredia

As we approach the one-year anniversary of Daniela Heredia entering eternal life, I think back on a life of innocence, joy, simplicity, and testimony. We ask, “Why?” and we will never know the answer except that Jesus wanted Daniela to … Continue reading

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Remembering Daniela

On Thursday, May 24, we placed a memorial plaque of Daniela Heredia in the Lourdes grotto at Mater Ecclesiae College. The memorial was celebrated with words of thanksgiving for Daniela’s life and the impact she made on each of us. … Continue reading

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Three Reasons to Return to Church this Lent

1. To make God happy 2. To make yourself happy 3. Question: If not now, when? (See the video blog here: rene4)

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Marriage: a man and a woman

Today I want to share a letter to the editor that I wrote to the Providence Journal in response to an article entitled, “Really, it’s time to wrap up the nonsense” by Bob Kerr, which promotes enshrining homosexual “marriage” in … Continue reading

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A community unites with love

Last week started out for me with the excitement of summer camp, last minute preparations, set-up for registration… but then the news came… there was a car accident and three girls were in the hospital!  Questions — how, who, where, … Continue reading

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