Three Reasons to Return to Church this Lent

1. To make God happy

2. To make yourself happy

3. Question: If not now, when?

(See the video blog here: rene4)

1. God is a LOVING Father, who wants to be close to you and shower His love on you.

· Granted, not all of us know what it’s like to have a close, loving relationship with our Father, but it is AMAZING-try it out!

· You might think- God will never want me back after all the things I have done in my life… Of course he does, he is longing to give YOU a great, huge hug!

· The Prodigal Son. He went off and spent everything on a life of dissipation, but the Father welcomed him home, put a ring on his finger, a robe on his back and threw a party for his son.

· God’s love is immense and immeasurable, ready to embrace you.

2. What could be better than discovering what we were made for?

· When we go to Church, we are nourished with the sacraments and the Word of God, which gives life to our souls and makes us happy.

· My nephew, who is about 7 months old now, cries whenever he is hungry, but once he is fed, he is satisfied and happy as can be. Our souls long and cry out for nourishment that God wants to give us. If we let him feed us, we find peace and happiness.

3. If not now, when? There is always tomorrow… until tomorrow is gone!

· Do you ask yourself, why does the world go round?

· Why so many types of flowers or species of birds?

· Why is there suffering in the world?

· Why does human love not satisfy us?

· Ever wonder why you do all the things you do? Work, eat, sleep, rest- especially work??? Pope Benedict XVI says that on Sundays, we understand the meaning of our work and of our lives. We need to stop for a minute, rest in God and then we’ll be happy, rejuvenated and I guarantee- you’ll be happier while working during the week!

· The answers are there, waiting to be discovered. God wants to share His wisdom with us. When is a better time than the present moment!

So, go experience the Father’s love, let him embrace you, throw a party for you and fill your life with happiness. Now is the moment!

About Rene Pomarico

Renee Pomarico was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA and spent her teenage years in Denver, CO. Renee was consecrated in 2000, and has a bachelor’s degree in Education and Development from Anahuac University, as well as a licentiate in Religious Sciences from Regina Apostolorum. Renee spent four years directing the youth work in Florida and five years teaching at Immaculate Conception Academy. She is currently a formator and professor for young women in the initial stage of discernment for consecrated life at the formation center in Monterrey, Mexico.
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