Author Archives: Joni Cheng

About Joni Cheng

Joni Cheng was born in Hong Kong and incorporated as Regnum Christi member in 2016. She is a Sales & Marketing professional and an hotelier by profession. She has a bachelor’s degree in International Hotel Management from the University of Wales and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Catechetics and Evangelisation with the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Joni has great love for Our Lady of Guadalupe and has been on a mission to bring Our Lady to her children in China.

Judges & Ruth 

Everything Goes Wrong: Judges 1-8, 13-21  But a Glimmer of Hope: Ruth 1-4 Judges marked the period of religious, social and political chaos where “there was no king in Israel; every man did what was the right in his own … Continue reading

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Evangelical Experience in an Orphanage

While I was working in Beijing, China, I would often arrange for my company’s social responsibility programs to assist at the Catholic orphanage for handicapped children in the rural part of China.  Many of my local Chinese colleagues never had … Continue reading

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The Catholic Love of Life

While chatting with the kids from Sunday school, I asked them, “What do you want to be when you grow up”?  Some of the most popular answers were doctors, firemen, policemen etc., and why?  Because they can save people, save … Continue reading

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Into the Promised Land — with Joshua

The Book of Joshua is an epilogue to the Pentateuch where Joshua finally led Israel into the Promised Land after being in the wilderness for 40 years.  Under the command of Joshua, Israel experienced a brief period of spiritual faithfulness … Continue reading

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Moses Meets the Law

Deuteronomy covers the time Moses and the sons of Israel were waiting outside of the Promised Land, where he recounted the happenings, introduced a new set of laws and gave the blessings and curses before he died at 120 years. … Continue reading

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From serpent to salvation

Numbers covers some 40 years of time between two generations of Israelites, the people numbered in two censuses taken out by Moses as instructed by the LORD.  As in previous chapters, the Lord appeared to be strict, demanding and harsh … Continue reading

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The Mosaic Covenant

  These are the crucial chapters where the LORD laid down His laws — “the first covenant” with Moses on Mount Sinai.  Here are His expectations from the people of Israel, especially that they would recognize him and serve him … Continue reading

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The Chosen People’s Hard Path

Exodus is a continuity of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Genesis. Through Moses, God continues to fulfill His promises to His chosen people, the sons of Israel. The 430 years of slavery for the people of Israel … Continue reading

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Jacob in the mold: Genesis 23-50

Reviewing the life of Jacob, it was a life that was molded by God. God molded Jacob from his defected character into the character that God had intended for His salvation plan.  Jacob did not get his blessing from God … Continue reading

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My Moment with Emanuela

I had the opportunity to participate in the “March for Life” in Rome on Mother’s Day in 2016.  This is an annual event where all with the same belief in the dignity of human life gather to join in prayers … Continue reading

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