Monthly Archives: May 2016

Meeting Mercy

I fled Him, down the nights and down the days; I fled Him, down the arches of the years; I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways Of my own mind; and in the midst of tears I hid from Him, … Continue reading

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Come Holy Spirit!

Come Holy Spirit! When we ask for the Spirit of God, we are asking above all that He show us His love. St Paul writes that since we have received the Spirit we are able to call God, “Father.” God’s … Continue reading

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What can we ever really know…

What can you ever really know of other people’s souls—of their temptations, their opportunities, their struggles? — CS Lewis As a Catholic priest, I have a unique vision of human nature…people are totally transparent and open with me. Before judging … Continue reading

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Respond to God

Here’s LC Cheshire Alum Br Gustavo evangelizing in Rome between classes. Back in Mexico he was preparing to play professional soccer. But when God called, he responded generously. Now he is using his talents to share the joy of friendship … Continue reading

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Leading Lady

Mother’s Day weekend was special for Denise Parker of Pulaski, Wisconsin. Other women have experienced what she experienced this weekend – but not many.  And certainly nobody in Pulaski, the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay or any of the nearby … Continue reading

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Mothers testify to God’s love

Today we celebrate our mothers and Christ’s Ascension. Mothers are a testimony of God’s love, just as the Ascension is the final testimony of God’s love for us. The gospel tells us that the disciples rejoiced at the fact that … Continue reading

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Intentionality Matters

   Intentionality matters.  My first semester at Brother Rice High School did not go well academically…I was running cross country, involved in a school play (“Guys and Dolls”) and simply having too much fun.  So, knowing that the report card would arrive … Continue reading

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La Pace Inizia con un Sorriso

Seventeen 8th graders from Houston, Texas were intent on sparking a fire of enthusiasm for Christ, the Pope, and the Church. And they weren’t alone. The Northwoods Catholic School students and families on pilgrimage in Rome were joined by over … Continue reading

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Suffering Enables Christ’s Ambassadors

The message of Heaven is very near in Georgia right now.  Last week, a sudden tragedy occurred whereby four young, Christian college women at the University of Georgia were killed in an automobile accident.  The fifth companion, Agnes, lies in … Continue reading

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Christ promises to send peace in the gospel. For most of us, this means that all our problems and conflicts cease to exist, and all is perfect according to the way we have it planned. This isn’t the peace that … Continue reading

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