Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Mass

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is the fifth in a series of nine Eucharistic poems by Br. Dain, leading up to Corpus Christi.  We hope they will be an inspiration for your prayer and reflection.     Howling wind through jagged clefts Blows … Continue reading

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If Only the Altar Could Cry (Sonnet)

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is the fourth in a series of nine Eucharistic poems by Br. Dain, leading up to Corpus Christi.  We hope they will be an inspiration for your prayer and reflection.       Silent altar, marble cold Unites … Continue reading

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Infinitely loved by God

The mystery of the Trinity is about the life of God. Christ became man to enable us to partake in God’s life, and so we enter into this mystery. Although theologians over the past centuries have tried to explain and … Continue reading

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Mary’s Mass

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is the third in a series of nine Eucharistic poems by Br. Dain, leading up to Corpus Christi.  We hope they will be an inspiration for your prayer and reflection.     What would Mary’s heart conceive, When … Continue reading

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God’s Complete Embrace

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is the second in a series of nine Eucharistic poems by Br. Dain, leading up to Corpus Christi.  We hope they will be an inspiration for your prayer and reflection.     All the Love of Mighty God, … Continue reading

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Why Baptize Infants?

Have you ever wondered why we baptize infants without even asking for their input? We hear reasons like “it is a gift freely given” – which is true – yet it is not allowed (I’m not even sure if it … Continue reading

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The Whirlwind

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Today is the first day we offer a series of nine Eucharistic poems by Br. Dain, leading up to Corpus Christi.  We hope they will be an inspiration for your prayer and reflection.           … Continue reading

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Why Discipleship Matters

I just finished watching War Room, a touching movie about the power of prayer and Christian friendship that begins as a mentorship, or discipleship. As I listened to a spirited older woman giving advice to the younger one about how … Continue reading

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Meeting myself through Mercy

I love to have goals. And I love to have a plan to accomplish those goals, and even better, life-hacks to help me accomplish that plan more easily.  I’m not alone in this, hence the rise of the ‘listicle’ in … Continue reading

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Meeting Mary the Mother of God through Mercy

The experience of beauty belongs to the individual because it takes place in a person’s mind and heart.  It resonates, it evokes, and it speaks in the interior of the person.  A picture is worth a thousand words but our … Continue reading

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