Change, but I Wouldn’t Change It!

After four intense years at Mater Ecclesia College, my graduation day has finally arrived. In the past days and weeks I have been reflecting on all the experiences we have gone through as a class. These have been years of many challenges and also many graces. Sometimes the rapid pace of change has caused some instability and a lot of uneasiness. I know what change is, but I would not change it.

During my years at MEC, I have experienced changes as meaningless as the change of door knob on the gym door, to the change of the college president. There have been other changes as well: a change in dress code, schedules, teachers, and staff. Not to mention the building of the new library and the accreditation MEC received in my sophomore year. However, the changes of the past years have not just been in Mater Ecclesiae College, but it has been a part of a whole renewal in the Regnum Christi movement. During these years I have seen many directors and major directors change. I experienced the changes in consecrated life, both the internal and external. Some of these changes have caused me a great deal of insecurity and instability. Not all of the changes have been for the best, and I definitely admit making some mistakes.

Despite this change, I wouldn’t change it. The changes I have witnessed are all changes as part of a larger project that God has in mind. Each change has been a step along the way to achieve his plan. Everyday is a new adventure that enables me to discover the beautiful plan God has for my life, and for the movement. These changes have helped us become who God is calling us to be. I have been extremely edified by my sisters in consecrated life who have desired to carry forward this work of God. I am awe-struck by the transformation of so many consecrated members who have allowed God to work in their life. I have learned so much from them. Thank you for your example; in you I have seen the fruits of these changes.

Each moment of change and instability reminds me where I can find the unchanging. These years have taught me how to seek God’s face, and to find in Him my rock and the foundation for my life. There are many changes, but the changeless one is God. All of these changes have led me to a deep understanding of the changeless, who is God.

For all of us graduating today, we have a lot of changes ahead of us still. In a couple of months we will be spread across the world, in Mexico, El Salvador, Ireland, France, and the United States. For some of us our mission is to continue in consecrated life, for those who have discerned that this is not their path in life it will be to serve God in other ways. These years have taught all of us to seek the face of God, and to make all the changes necessary find him.


About Nicolette Chmiel

Nicolette Chmiel is a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi. She hails from Ohio, and currently is doing youth work in Cincinnati.
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