Author Archives: Br. John Sester, LC


About Br. John Sester, LC

Br. John was born and raised in Rogers, Minnesota and has been a Legionary of Christ for three years. I am currently studying Classical Humanities at Legion of Christ College in Cheshire, Connecticut. I entered the Apostolic School in Rolling Prairie, Indiana in 2008, and after graduating High School entered the Novitiate of the Legionaries of Christ in Cheshire, Connecticut. I consecrated myself to God as a Legionary religious in September 2017.

The Personality of Jesus Christ

I was working on a short story for my creative writing course when I ran into a problem. The story is about knights and castles, and I wanted the King, Cherathon the Flame, to be an allegorical Christ-figure. But an … Continue reading

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The Art of Modern Man

I’ve never understood modern art. Last week when we were visiting the MET, one brother leaned toward me and whispered, “It looks like a waste of good paint.” What could I say to that? But while somewhere staring quizzically, I … Continue reading

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