Cheshire: I wouldn’t last a week

cheshireThere are so many things in the world I could never do.

I could be a brain surgeon, but I have poor fine motor skills.

I could be an astronaut, but I get motion sick easily.

I could be a professional basketball, but my speed matches someone a foot taller.

I could be a seminarian, but I would have to give up…

  • Wife
  • Kids
  • Grandkids
  • Fishing boat
  • Sling TV
  • Amazon Prime
  • iPhone
  • Variety in clothing
  • Schedule flexibility
  • Availability of 24X7 brewed coffee

The young men discerning a vocation to the priesthood at Cheshire (aka our seminary), don’t seem to miss these things I sadly hold so dear.  They are more concerned with determining what God wants than what “I” want.  That is to their credit and part of why it is such a joy to be around them. (I’m teaching a course at Cheshire this week.)

We live in a culture where the only true god is self-fulfillment.  A man is supposed to be successful in business, shoot under 80 on the golf course, coach youth soccer and restore a vintage Porsche.  A woman is supposed to be successful in business, be a top club tennis player, lead the church fundraiser and bake perfect white chocolate chip cookies.

This man and woman are supposed to get married and have 2.3 perfect children.  If they do get married and try to do all of this, they probably will get a divorce and produce 2.3 neurotic kids.

The problem is all the emphasis on what “I” want.  My students at Cheshire are on a different path.  They are asking what God wants.  Listening for the answer to that question takes a long time – and the absence of distraction.

But it is THE question.

About Jim Fair

Jim Fair is a writer and consultant. He lives in the Chicago area and has a wonderful wife, son and daughter. He enjoys fishing and occasionally catches something. He tries to play the piano and sings a little. In addition to writing for Regnum Christi Live, he blogs at Laughing Catholic. And you can follow him on Twitter: Jim Fair (@fishfair).
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