Monthly Archives: May 2017

Come Holy Spirit

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When … Continue reading

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5 Awesome Real-Life Ways to raise kids Catholic: Parenting Powered by ECyD

In my 20 years of parenting I have gone through almost every possible clever method of Catholic child-rearing one could imagine. Most of them worked (for a while) to support the faith and values that we wanted to raise our … Continue reading

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The ladies

   “The more the flower of humility blossoms in a soul, the greater is the good odor it imparts to her who possesses it, to those who behold her, and to those who are about her.” -Saint Teresa of Avila Many … Continue reading

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Surviving Summer

Our Lord asks us to pray constantly.  And deep inside, we long for that, for that peace and connection to him. Even if you’re a mom and its summertime.  So how do we reconcile that with the life He gives … Continue reading

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Prepare for battle

In a couple days, Pope Francis and Donald Trump will meet face to face, person to person, two heavyweight approaching the center ring of international diplomacy. I have been reading the advance predictions about what they will discuss and whether … Continue reading

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A graduation for this age

“It’s a delight to have fallen into a friendship with this wonderful university…” – Curtis Martin I skipped my college graduations, both undergraduate and graduate.  It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate the time and hard work that went into my … Continue reading

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My night in the club

I DON’T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE LIKE ME AS A MEMBER – Groucho Marx I have often recalled Groucho’s immortal words in a perverse sense when attending some sort of fancy event.  In my … Continue reading

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The hope of psychology

For a really good time, I likely wouldn’t join a room full of psychologists. They might ask me open-ended questions and repeat my answers to verify.  Who knows what might be happening behind those wire-rimmed glasses? So imagine my surprise … Continue reading

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Into the water…

“The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.”  St. Augustine The first time I jumped into the deep end of a swimming pool, my dad was in the water at a distance, but I had to … Continue reading

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Looking to the Future with Hope

Have you ever thought how sweet hope is? Imagine what it would be like to live without the smallest drop of hope. Unfortunately, many have done more than just imagine this. Our hearts should go out to them. It’s heart-rendingly … Continue reading

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