
lightIsaiah uses the image of light to explain Israel’s call to give witness to the nations of God’s presence. They are no longer servants, but rather witnesses of God’s love, because God was coming to live in them. John the Baptist sets us a marvelous example of witnessing to God’s love. God touched John and left him burning so much that He needed to tell everyone about Him. John tells us very succinctly what his experience is: The Lamb of God who will take away our sins. He saw in Jesus the Son of God who in the sacrificial lamb offers himself for us out of love. John experienced God’s presence and left him burning. He burns with the light of God and shines in the darkness witnessing to God’s love and mercy. He saw, or was able to experience God, because He was waiting for God’s light to shine on him. John wants us to believe. He wants us to be attentive to God’s presence in our lives. John was convinced that God was among us in Jesus, because of His experience of God. Follow the example of John, waiting eagerly for God’s embrace in our lives, so we can reveal God’s love by being his light for others.

About Fr Andrew Gronotte LC

Fr Andrew Gronotte, born and raised in northern Kentucky entered the Legionary apostolic school in eighth grade in 1998, where he began his formation for the priesthood in the Legion. Currently he is finishing his theological studies in Rome, where he will be ordained in a little more than a year.
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