Monthly Archives: January 2016


Once again, we find ourselves before Christ preaching in the synagogue. Doubt overcomes his listeners until the point that they want to kill Christ. We too can let doubt in, and through sin kill the life of Christ in us. … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 11

Br Manuel is the Mexican Legionary member of our team. A few days ago he met a very humble, simple Philippine religious sister; her name is Sister Maria Goretti. They had a deep conversation about religious life, sharing each other’s … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 10

“The Eucharist builds the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist” said Saint John Paul II in his Encyclical letter “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”. It is amazing how the 15,000 pilgrims of the Eucharistic Congress are very much like a big … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 9

I have reinforcements on the updates of the IEC 2016. If you want to follow it from the perspective of a consecrated woman, you can check the blog of Cathy Floro: Yesterday, I had a very nice experience on … Continue reading

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Thy Kingdom Come!

“What is that?” The German girl who sits next to me in my Spanish class pointed to the top of my paper where I had written a particularly pretty “TKC!” “Oh. Well, you remember I’m a Catholic missionary, right?”  She … Continue reading

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Love is the True Test for Parents

I happened to catch on NPR the other day an interesting program about measuring the impact of prenatal genetic testing. They discussed whether there could be too much information for a mother and father.  Apparently, the knowledge dump given to … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 8

“Wow” these are the words that come to mind when I think about today’s experiences at the Congress. The first conference in the morning was by Bishop Robert Barron. It was a very simple, straightforward talk, but it drove the … Continue reading

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a new saint

I received an early birthday present: Pope Francis has approved the canonization of Blessed José Sánchez del Río, a 14 year-old Mexican martyr. Soon we can call him “Saint José”. Now I’ve written one book in my life, “Blessed José”, … Continue reading

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Grace like vanilla pudding

God´s grace is like vanilla pudding – we will never run out. That´s because we have a donation of ninety-six boxes of it in our fridge. (The pudding, I mean.) Yes, boxes…with sixteen individual-size desserts in each box. Funny thing … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 7

This year we are celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy. So Pope Francis invited us to practice the works of Mercy. One of the works of mercy is to visit the imprisoned.  I always wondered what a priest’s ministry of visiting … Continue reading

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