Monthly Archives: January 2016

Too tired to go…

“I’m sorry, I’m too tired to go…” I said this at 2pm yesterday to my daughter, who had invited me out for coffee, thinking as I said it, “…how many times have I said this to her, to my husband, … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 6

Today, the second part of the Eucharist Congress officially began. The city of Cebu is booming with pilgrims from all over the Philippines and also from other countries. In the morning we had time to finish some details in our … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 5 — the Congress

Today we received reinforcements. Two consecrated women and two lay people from Regnum Christi joined us. Our Mission was to prepare the Regnum Christi booth at the Convention Center, where all the activities of the Congress will take place. As … Continue reading

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Fulfilled: Discover Christ in Scripture

Today the readings seem to me to be about scripture itself. The Jews show respect and joy at hearing the Word proclaimed. In the Gospel, I can imagine Christ in the synagogue reading that passage of Isaiah and closing the … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 4

Today was the third and last day of the Theological Symposium. So, we’re done with our translation task and looking forward to the beginning of the second stage of the Congress. What struck me the most in this last day … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 3 in Cebu

Let me tell you a story about Cinnamon Buns. When we arrived at the Philippines we went first to Manila for a connecting flight to Cebu. There was a flight delay and we got stuck for about six hours. Two … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 2

We arrived in Cebu very late yesterday. And since our work as translators started early in the morning, we did not get much sleep. Despite that, our first day of the Eucharistic Congress was incredible. Today, the Theological Symposium began, … Continue reading

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“Can it be true–to receive is to give?”

The other week Christmas came to a close by celebrating the Lord’s Baptism.  So too, the last group of young men visiting the novitiate for retreats and a Test Your Call experience also returned home. The guests came from as … Continue reading

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Google it

You know you´re Catholic when you measure your month by your Magnificat. Whenever I have to flip past the red section in the middle to get to the next day, I have this weird moment of suddenly realizing the month … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 1

We finally arrived in the Philippines. We are in Manila, waiting for our flight to Cebu. We’ve been traveling a whole day towards the east. This is more or less what the Magi did, but in the opposite direction. Like … Continue reading

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