Sweet Lord…

“Sweet Lord, you are meek and merciful. Who would not give himself wholeheartedly to your service, if he began to taste even a little of your fatherly rule?” — St. Robert Bellarmine

Two years before my ordination to the priesthood, I received the following inspiration from Jesus during personal prayer time on my spiritual exercises retreat: “Br. Michael, I know this is hard for you, and I know that you did not choose this path, but I need your help. There are a lot of souls that I want to touch through your priesthood, and I would really appreciate it if you could help me. You don’t have to do this, but I would be very grateful.” This was the defining moment in my vocation and this continues to propel me forward in serving Our Lord each and every day!



About Father Michael Sliney, LC

Father Michael Sliney was ordained a priest in Rome on December 24, 1998. He studied mechanical engineering at Michigan State University for two years before entering the Legion. As a seminarian he earned a bachelors in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas and degrees in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Regina Apostolorum College in Rome. He works with youth groups in the Washington D.C. area.
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