Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Hidden Gifts of Haiti

This would be the summation of my first week here. Surrender is a key virtue demanded of a missionary here. Rarely do things unfold the way one plans but God in His infinite goodness always takes note of a heart … Continue reading

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Beginning time

“Closing time. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Semisonic It was a glorious Saturday morning: blue sky, sunshine, perfect temperature in the mid-70s, flowers blooming, light breeze, surrounded by friends. So I found myself at the … Continue reading

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Haiti Update May 28

Greetings after our little excursion to the village of Gallet-Chambon. On Wednesday, we packed our bags and spent a short morning at the Children’s Home while Father and a few missionaries went to buy the supplies we would need for … Continue reading

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What we miss in common

What sort of person doesn’t watch television or surf the worldwide web? They would be so out-of-touch, so backward, so ignorant, so connected – a real loser, right? Maybe not.  According to the UK Daily Mail, Pope Francis hasn’t watched … Continue reading

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Haiti Update May 26

The greatest misnomer in Haiti is the name for the Home for the Dying. After our experience today we could rename it: the Home of Joy, the Home of Peace, the Home of Life. Certainly, there is much suffering that … Continue reading

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Just Be There

These words Pope Francis spoke back in March made my ears perk up: “I remember when I was visiting a retirement home, I spoke with each person, and I frequently heard this: “How are you? And your children? Well, well. … Continue reading

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Kelly Suter — Nepal Update 2

The daily aftershocks continue here in Nepal, though so frequently that, at times, I wonder if I am only imagining the ground moving beneath my feet. Regardless, our mobile medical units continue to fly into logistically challenging, but extraordinarily stunning … Continue reading

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Haiti Update May 25

We had another full day of missions here in Haiti with a lot of different small changes to show us that God was the one in charge! In the morning, after a hearty breakfast here at the Guesthouse, we loaded … Continue reading

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Haiti Update May 24

“Just roll with it!” Today this has become a bit of a theme for our mission. We were prepared to go to the Home for the Dying and as we couldn’t find the needle for the air pump, we made … Continue reading

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Haiti Update May 23

At the end of the day all we have is love. When we got to our moment of sharing today, it was obvious that what we experienced today was a great big mix of high points and low points. We … Continue reading

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