Monthly Archives: May 2014

Jesus CEO

“Unless your talents become service, they remain sterile.” – Thomas Alexander I knew Br James Cleary when he was a toddler running around my parents’ house. Now he is studying in Rome. On May 12th Br. James and his brother … Continue reading

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A humbling line of work

Being a priest you receive so many gifts – spiritual ones. I spend a lot of time in the chapel at school. The other day I was there praying when one of the teachers brought the preschool children in. They … Continue reading

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Every so often, something in the news captures my attention and causes me to doubt that I understanding the meaning of a particular word. I had that experience earlier this week when I read that the United Nations was accusing … Continue reading

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Fill your spiritual tank!

Several years ago, as I was coming out of a Parish youth activity in Northern Virginia, a fifteen seater van full of kids pulled up and the mom rolled the window and asked, “Fr. Michael, would you mind just staying … Continue reading

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Christ is alive and well – at Harvard

Harvard, established in 1636, was the first university in the colonies that would become the United States. It had a very Christian beginning, although that fact isn’t loudly proclaimed on its own websites. Its founder, John Harvard, was a Christian … Continue reading

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God’s plans

“Whatever was not planned by me, was planned by God.” —  St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross My greatest fear as a kid was public speaking…my grades school days were filled with many terrible experiences of humiliation and anxiety. So … Continue reading

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Overflow, A Song about A Spring Soul Cleaning

Working with the RC Missionaries in Atlanta, I have found that sometimes the car we use gets filled up gradually with many interesting things. Going from retreat to retreat and back and forth between various apostolic, spiritual and sporting activities, … Continue reading

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Show appreciation towards your Pastor!

“Christian perfection consists in three things: praying heroically, working heroically, and suffering heroically.” — St. Anthony Mary Claret When I read the quote above, I thought immediately of so many faithful Parish priests. Daily Masses and Confessions, hospital visits, funerals, … Continue reading

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The Good Shepherd

Eucharistic Hour- May 8, 2014 “I am the Good Shepherd, says the Lord. I know my sheep, and mine know me.” —  John 10:14 This passage is the Alleluia verse for next Sunday’s Mass. Every year on the 4th Sunday … Continue reading

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Haiti is my Road to Emmaus

“Stay with us Lord” This is the desire of every heart that encounters Christ in a deep and personal way and never wishes to be separated from Him. Just as the disciples’’ heats burned within them as Jesus revealed himself … Continue reading

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