Monthly Archives: January 2014

Prayer, a glance towards… my watch?

St. Teresa of Avila described prayer as “a glance towards heaven.” I think for much of my consecrated life I have lived my prayer more as a glance–or frequent glances–at my watch. “Did I make it on time? How much … Continue reading

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Mt. Alfred

When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never never give up. – Winston Churchill Today my brother, Fr. Matthew, and I hiked up Mt. Alfred. It was a three hour walk to the 1300 metre summit. I … Continue reading

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Treasure in jars of clay

One of the perks about being a Legionary Brother is to live 24/7 with priests. It is such a blessing. More than anyone else, we are always in touch with their human side and with the mysterious presence of Jesus … Continue reading

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Drawn Toward the Rising Sun

The earth is still, Covered in a blanket As black as coal.

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A pat on the back

During my lunch break I went to pray a rosary with a sick little boy who had just arrived. Chenidel, is 17 months old and weighs 2.8 kg. All the weight is in his head; his tiny body is so … Continue reading

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The heart is their eyes

We just finished our first mission in the year 2014 here in Haiti. 31 young missionaries are on their way home after a week of service. We stay with another 20 to continue the work. Last night we had our … Continue reading

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Christ the great healer.

Today the gospel talked about the leper that Christ cleanses. Leprosy is a neurological illness that numbs your body, especially the extremities. They go numb, you can’t feel anything. Aren’t we all leapers in so many ways? Aren’t we numb … Continue reading

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The “older son” in me

Something that has been getting under my skin lately is this new pope! Before, getting into why, to settle any apprehension, I love and support our Holy Father. I have some thoughts, though, on why he has caused a bit … Continue reading

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Prepare for Battle

“The devil never sleeps, neither is the flesh yet dead: therefore thou must not cease to prepare thyself for battle, for on the right and on the left are enemies that never rest.” (Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, II, … Continue reading

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The Changing Landscape of Catechesis

Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves. But beware of people, for they will hand you over to courts and scourge you in their synagogues, and … Continue reading

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