Add Evangelization to Your 2013 Resolutions

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:7-8)

“The 21st century will be religious, or it will not be at all.” (attributed to French writer André Malraux.)

As we usher in 2013, I have been pondering these two quotes, one from Our Lord in Scripture and one from a cultural observer at the dawn of the 21st century. 

I feel very strongly called to put forth the message of our Pope during this specially designated Year of Faith, to evangelize as much as is possible.  And I am hoping those of us in our movement feel that urgency as well.  The call to evangelize, after all, is basically the Regnum Christi mission.

During this quintessential time to make life-changing resolutions, let’s make plans to send out the Gospel message far and wide in whatever way we can.  How you do this is up to you.  All I can tell you is what I’m doing, and hope you are inspired to make your own list. (I also suggest you click here and read the article I wrote awhile back about a former member of the Swiss Guard’s philosophy of life – doing everything as well as possible and then giving it to God…)

In 2013, I am:

  • Reading Jesus Shock by Peter Kreeft, which addresses the question “Why is Jesus the most controversial and embarrassing name in the world?”
  • Using Facebook, Pinterest, etc. to mention God and my faith as much as annoyingly possible.
  • Making every day an offering to God, so even if I forget to pray formally, my entire day is a prayer anyway.
  • Thanking my Guardian Angel daily for watching over me.
  • Making plans for my family to do the activities to obtain the Year of Faith Plenary Indulgences.
  • Helping bring the souls in Purgatory to Heaven by saying the St. Gertrude prayer daily or more, to increase the army of intercessors up there.
  • (Since my family made the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Mary’s feast day Dec. 8, 2012) trying to give her as much grace as we can to help save souls through frequenting the sacraments, especially confession.
  • Listening almost exclusively to Christian music, no matter who is in the car with me.
  • Trying to amend my ways, and get caught saying nice things about my husband in public. 
  • Talking about Natural Family Planning, my support of Prolife causes, and discussing the drawbacks of all non-marital sexual activity outside the teachings of our Church in conversation whenever possible. (I try to do so with love, of course…)
  • Imitate my husband’s habit of inviting friends and coworkers to go to Mass with him.
  • Doing anything else I can think of to make sure that when Jesus does come back, at least he can see that my family and, hopefully many others we influenced, have kept the faith.

About Kelly Luttinen

Kelly Luttinen works as a public relations advisor for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi. She is a wife and mother of four teens and lives in the metro-Detroit area.
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