Author Archives: Sara Sullivan

About Sara Sullivan

Sara Sullivan converted to Catholicism, as a young wife and mother, at age 33. She is married to Jerry over 20 years and mother to Maggie, Joybeth and Jay. She enjoys cooking with her husband, reading, vacuuming and sweeping pet hairs from the family’s six dogs and cats, writing and volunteering as a catechist at her parish. With great joy, she became a member of Regnum Christi in a small chapel in Cumming, Georgia, dedicated to our Lady on Christ the King Feast Day, 2008.

Encountering Christ’s Quiet Heart

As an adult convert to Catholicism, my walk of faith received a huge jumpstart in 2000 when, at the age of 33, I received the Sacraments of Penance, Confirmation and first Holy Eucharist.  For the first couple of years as … Continue reading

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Real “women’s lib” — by women

“Give us Lord a strong heart like that of the Virgin Mary, so that we can consecrate our lives to you, and thus we will see that everything becomes new in you, Lord. Gives us power to unite ourselves to … Continue reading

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Pro Life is Pro Husband and Wife

So many of the women I am close friends with would shudder to think of their husband’s losing his job and possibly having to go out and be the primary bread winner.  Many I know may be happy if some … Continue reading

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Me and My Clutter

Once again I find myself looking at my obvious Lenten penance with hope that God will, once again, help me.  He is so faithful.  The big house we moved into in March 2009 (yes, we moved during Lent; it was … Continue reading

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Too tired to go…

“I’m sorry, I’m too tired to go…” I said this at 2pm yesterday to my daughter, who had invited me out for coffee, thinking as I said it, “…how many times have I said this to her, to my husband, … Continue reading

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Hobbits, second breakfast and silence

After many years of asking God to help me be a morning person, it has finally happened.  Truly, wonders never cease! The dogs and I come down before dawn and have the habit of taking a front row seat –I … Continue reading

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Three women on a plane from Denver to Detroit and a real ghost story

“…the jar of flour did not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry…” –1st Kings 17:16 On Wednesday, November 4, 2015, on Southwest flight 5141, during the Denver-to-Detroit leg of the trip (the flight continued on to Atlanta where … Continue reading

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The strange, little dog, Romeo and the miracle of recovery

My little dog, Romeo, some kind of Terrier mix, just did the weirdest thing.  He is covered head-to-toe in red, Georgia clay dirt.  He dug a big hole in the backyard and rolled around in it, smashing his moppy face … Continue reading

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The Rules of Engagement, His Way

The disciples approached Jesus and said, “Why do you speak to the crowd in parables?” — Mt: 13:10 For a good while, I have heard a little heart whisper, as if the good Lord is telling me that by giving … Continue reading

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Getting in touch with our “inner Pope Francis”

“Have you read any of the work of Dr. Conrad Baars?” Says one of my dearest friends the other day at lunch. It was one of those conversations where the Holy Spirit had really been on the move. She had … Continue reading

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