Author Archives: Br. Emmanuel Flores, LC


About Br. Emmanuel Flores, LC

I was born and raised in Southern California and have been a Legionary of Christ for two years. I am currently studying Classical Humanities at Legion of Christ College in Cheshire, Connecticut. I entered the Apostolic School in Leon, Mexico in 2009, and after graduating High School, entered the Novitiate of the Legionaries of Christ in Cheshire. I consecrated myself to God as a Legionary religious in September 2017. I am looking forward to leaving to Rome in August to begin my studies in Philosophy.

‘Pallida Mors’

Midway through a melodious ode about spring brimming with life and replete with dancing nymphs and Cytherean Venus—picture Botticelli’s Birth of Venus—Horace suddenly introduces Pallida Mors, pale death. It shocks, it dazzles, it pains the reader that in a meditation … Continue reading

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The Blood of Horses and Men

“What he loved in horses was what he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them. All his reverence and all his fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the ardent-hearted … Continue reading

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Heirs in Valor of the Champions of Old

Struck is the heart when the realization that the young girl in the foreground lays wounded on a tomb as a war rages outside the place where she sleeps. There she is, beautiful and innocent as can be on a … Continue reading

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When the Children of God Play the Flute

I am not a dancer. Of the many elements of self-discovery achieved in my recently abandoned teens, this is among the ones I am most certain about. As much as it pains me to accept it, it pains me even … Continue reading

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