Author Archives: Br Antônio Lemos LC

About Br Antônio Lemos LC

Br Antônio Lemos is from Curitiba, Brazil. He joined the Legion of Christ in 2006 after a couple of years as a Regnum Christi member. He is a big fan of the Brazilian national soccer team, 1980´s pop culture (specially movies), and St Thomas Aquinas. He is currently studying Theology in Rome.

Journey of the Eucharist, Day 6

Today, the second part of the Eucharist Congress officially began. The city of Cebu is booming with pilgrims from all over the Philippines and also from other countries. In the morning we had time to finish some details in our … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 5 — the Congress

Today we received reinforcements. Two consecrated women and two lay people from Regnum Christi joined us. Our Mission was to prepare the Regnum Christi booth at the Convention Center, where all the activities of the Congress will take place. As … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 4

Today was the third and last day of the Theological Symposium. So, we’re done with our translation task and looking forward to the beginning of the second stage of the Congress. What struck me the most in this last day … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 3 in Cebu

Let me tell you a story about Cinnamon Buns. When we arrived at the Philippines we went first to Manila for a connecting flight to Cebu. There was a flight delay and we got stuck for about six hours. Two … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 2

We arrived in Cebu very late yesterday. And since our work as translators started early in the morning, we did not get much sleep. Despite that, our first day of the Eucharistic Congress was incredible. Today, the Theological Symposium began, … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist, Day 1

We finally arrived in the Philippines. We are in Manila, waiting for our flight to Cebu. We’ve been traveling a whole day towards the east. This is more or less what the Magi did, but in the opposite direction. Like … Continue reading

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Journey of the Eucharist

I’ve been waiting for more than a year to start a great journey. And it’s not just any kind of journey; it’s a Journey of the Eucharist. Four other Legionary Brothers and I are going to the Philippines to participate in … Continue reading

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Salt and light

I met Fr Alvaro for the first time on November 13, 2006. I still remember the exact date because that day was the 2nd anniversary of my incorporation to Regnum Christi. I was a first year novice at that time … Continue reading

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Why can’t priests marry?

On his way back from the Holy Land last week, Pope Francis was asked by a journalist the same old question: why can’t priests marry? Believe me, even we brothers often hear those very same words. The answer of the … Continue reading

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White Roses

Recently I read an article saying that Pope Francis has a strong devotion to St. Therese of Lisieux. Whenever he needed a special grace, especially when it was difficult to accept God’s will in his life, he prayed a novena … Continue reading

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