A Unique Mission for the Kingdom

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“If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family and a nation.” (African proverb)

As I read this quote I feel my heart beat faster than usual. I’m not using literary hyperbole or daring exaggeration. Perhaps surprisingly for many, it is not an indignation over political incorrectness or discrimination based on gender. It is a quite different reaction that involves enthusiasm and an opportunity, a mission and a vocation. It probably resounds in me because it corresponds to who I am and who I’m called to be. It speaks of a vocation, first, to be a woman. It makes me stop and wonder, and value the transcendence that the mission of any woman has. But further than that, it reminds me of the calling to be an apostle, an educator of women. And then it makes me think of all consecrated women in Regnum Christi, since one of the major areas of our work consists in the formation of girls and women. Today more than ever I see this mission both overwhelming and exciting.

In order to take on this exciting mission, we would have to have as a premise the unique role of women in society, which is sadly denied by many. Feminists want to take away the dimension of women’s specific vocation by trying to make it blend and be equal to that of men. They feel that any distinction marks inequality, and therefore, injustice. On the contrary, Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Mulieris Dignitatem reinforces how “womanhood expresses the “human” as much as manhood does, but in a different and complementary way” (MD 7).

Women have something unique that allows them to contribute by the simple fact of their femininity in ways that are proper to them. John Paul II calls this the feminine genius, and he mentions that their greatest influence lays in the ethical, spiritual, and human realm that blossom quietly within society, starting off as seeds planted in family life.

Surprisingly, Pope John Paul II mentions something very similar to this African proverb when he says that “The various sectors of society, nations and states, and the progress of all humanity, are certainly deeply indebted to the contribution of women!” (MD 8)

I believe that the emphasis we place in the formation of women in Regnum Christi is not a coincidence, but rather, an essential part of our apostolic charism and mission. One of the main principles for our action is the “Christian formation and of an apostolic projection of those groups of people who can have the greatest evangelizing influence in society.”

Women are part of this group of people, since as we have noted they “can offer a considerable contribution to the task of spreading the Christian spirit in personal, family and societal life, of infusing the human and temporal realities of the earthly city with an evangelical spirit, and (…) permit the message of Christ to arrive to the greatest possible number of persons” (Principles of the Charism of the Regnum Christi Movement, October 22, 2012).

This is why it is essential, first, to respect and value the unique role of women in society, bringing out the true feminism that shines forth in the expression of the feminine genius. And then, to form women who will help to evangelize everyone, mainly through the family. As consecrated, this mission is an essential part of who we are and what we do; one of the most efficacious ways of making Christ’s Kingdom come in the world and in society.

About Gabriela Ruiloba

Gabriela Ruiloba is a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi. She is from Mexico, and is in her senior year at Mater Ecclesiae College, Greenville, RI>
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One Response to A Unique Mission for the Kingdom

  1. Kelly Luttinen says:

    I love the proverb! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m posting it on my social media pages. Great blog!

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