Christ is our greatest treasure

“But store up treasures for yourself in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworm destroys them and thieves cannot break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be too.” Mt 6: 20,21

Christ is my greatest treasure. Human friendships are great. It is fulfilling to help so many people through spiritual direction and youth programs. I love playing basketball, soccer and golf. I enjoy a quality steak with “twice baked” potatoes, flooded with butter and sour cream. But this is all temporal and fleeting and will eventually pass. Only Christ totally fills my heart. Only Christ gives me deep peace and joy. Only Christ is my faithful friend today, tomorrow and into eternity. Personally, everything makes sense to me only if it done with Christ, for Christ and to bring others closer to Christ.

About Father Michael Sliney, LC

Father Michael Sliney was ordained a priest in Rome on December 24, 1998. He studied mechanical engineering at Michigan State University for two years before entering the Legion. As a seminarian he earned a bachelors in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas and degrees in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Regina Apostolorum College in Rome. He works with youth groups in the Washington D.C. area.
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