Monthly Archives: April 2011

Blessed John Paul II – I Love You!

This week, the only Pope I knew for my almost 25 years will be beatified by his successor. I am sure everyone will be giving him tributes this week but I want add my personal experience. For me he was … Continue reading

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“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him.” Coming from the Midwest, this phrase from Christ deeply resonates with me. I constantly heard expressions like these growing … Continue reading

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Take the log out of your own eye first!

“Take the log out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Mt 6: 5 As a caddy for 9 years, I saw the best and worst … Continue reading

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Christian Texting

Folks in Kenya exchanged thousands of Easter greetings over the past weekend, according to a report by Ecumenical News International (ENI). What is a bit unusual is that these greetings were text messages send via mobile phones. “The phones are … Continue reading

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Déjà Vu

As we settled into classes here in Rome I had a “déjà vu” experience. Or, more properly, a brother reminded me that we were both having one. Once again, I was in charge of cleaning the bathrooms each day he … Continue reading

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The Heart that hangs on the Cross

Jesus died praying, Jesus died forgiving my sins, Jesus died thinking of me; Jesus died loving and praying.  Therefore, His death doesn’t speak of death, His death speaks of life; His death speaks of love.  Do you see the heart … Continue reading

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Great journal on missions….

Check out this great, inspiring account of the Missions in New York City…

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Take comfort

“Jesus said to the paralytic, ‘Take comfort, my child, your sins are forgiven.”  Mt 9: 2       We take such good care of our body, but what is the condition of our soul?  Jesus focused on curing the paralytic’s … Continue reading

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A Heart of Beatitudes

Last summer, I had the opportunity spend a day at Six Flags, something I’d never thought I would do in my consecrated life!   At one point, we rode an intense roller coaster called the “Raging Bull”.  (The name fits the … Continue reading

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Thank your parish priests

“Anyone who does not take his cross and follow in my footsteps is not worthy of me.”  Mt 10: 38      The other day, I was asked to help a parish priest with his penance service.  When I arrived, … Continue reading

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