Monthly Archives: September 2017


“Suffering is the earthly aspect of that divine reality known as love.”  (Secrets of the Interior Life) Since I’ve left Milan, I’ve had difficulty explaining the Sacra Famiglia…and even here, in my attempt to order the millions of experiences I … Continue reading

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Who are the 35%?

They are our neighbors, our relatives, our coworkers and our friends…. They are the 35% of Catholics who do not go to Mass regularly or practice their faith, but still self-identify as Catholic.  The question is: Why? Fr. Thomas Gaunt, … Continue reading

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A different flavor of PDB

The President of the United States gets many perks.  Living in the White House.  Smart folks to help.  Air Force One.  Camp David. And he also has each morning should he wish it, the opportunity to review the President’s Daily … Continue reading

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Touching God through Sacred Sound

The packed cathedral of St. Patrick’s in Manhattan was buzzing with quiet conversation as the audience waited for the Sistine Choir Chapel to enter the sanctuary for their first concert in America in over 30 years.  Many came from out … Continue reading

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Don’t exaggerate death

The report of my death was an exaggeration. – Mark Twain I hope never to read my own obituary.  On the one hand, if it were accurate, I would be dead.  On the other hand, if it were inaccurate I … Continue reading

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Pope Francis Plays Hurt

If you have been watching the news the past day, you know that Pope Francis bumped his head. That’s right.  It was the last day of his apostolic journey to Colombia.  He was riding along in his Popemobile, smiling, waving … Continue reading

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Messy Parenting

“Parenthood, the scariest ‘hood’ you’ll ever go through.” -unknown I am so grateful that Pinterest did not exist when I started having kids.  Maybe we missed out on some amazing themed birthday crafts and incredible ways to cook paleo spiralized zuchinni, … Continue reading

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I don’t want to lose my head

I learned a new word last week:  cephalophore.  Actually, it is an old word, so it is more accurate to say I learned a word that other people learned long ago.  An old word was new to me. The word … Continue reading

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A Road Map to the Peripheries

Only once in Evangelii Gaudium does Pope Francis exhort the church to ‘go out into the peripheries,’ but like many things the Pope says, that one phrase has ignited passion and missionary zeal, and a few deep questions. “The word … Continue reading

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Thanking God for 10 Years of Joy

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of my perpetual profession of vows. That’s when I made lifelong vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. It was also the sixteenth anniversary of my first profession. Joy—that sunny September day in Connecticut—it was a … Continue reading

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