Haiti Mission Update Day Six

villateThe beauty of Haiti surrounded us today! We saw a different side of the country by going out to a rural village today. Rather than the suffering that we have seen in the homes the sisters run, we were able to enter the daily life of one small village and catch a glimpse of what most of Haiti is like. We drove out to the village where we were met by Fr. Wathner, the parish priest that Mission Youth has been collaborating with over the past few years. He encouraged us to take a bit of a rest and drink water before our hike up to the even smaller village of Boucandrice, where they are building a school (with the support of Mission Youth). Let’s just say it was a physically demanding hike and the sun might have got the best of a few of us and we were quite relieved for the gentle rain and cool air on the way back down.

But on the top of the mountain in this tiny village we were treated to a beautiful view of a side of Haiti we haven’t seen before. Having worked the past few days in Port-au-Prince and all the smog and traffic that implies, this was a bit of a respite. We had 4 priests on hand to celebrate Mass for us and for a group of the villagers who were there. It meant so much to them to have such a special Mass and that we would come to see them.

We descended and had our lunch and a quick siesta in the rectory before going out to play with the kids of the village. They had some outstanding soccer skills and were thrilled with any new games we taught them.  Again, we were amazed at the simplicity of their joy.

It seems unbelievable that this was our last day here in Haiti.  Tomorrow we will be on our way to the airport at 5:30 am. All of us are struggling to say goodbye to the people who won our hearts and taught us so much about life, simplicity, love and strength.

villageHere are some of our experiences:

We went with Father to see his big projects. He is building a nursery and agricultural school and a grade school for his people! He is such an inspiring priest.

I loved the hike and seeing the top of the mountain and having Mass there, it was so beautiful. And giving a girl a balloon that made her so incredibly happy.

I felt such a sense of accomplishment to reach the top of the mountain and have Mass there.

I was so impressed at how much everyone took care of each other in the physical demands of the hike. I felt such a sense of encouragement and the hike became an image of this week, it was such a hard climb and yet Jesus is there at the top.

What made me so happy was the people helping me along today because i wasn’t feeling well. I felt so grateful and taken care of. I felt so small before the mountain and the beauty of creation.

I got my hair braided today by the little girls which was really fun. It made me so happy to know they are building a school there for them.

We gave out so many suckers in the village today and it was so beautiful and a gift to enter their homes that were more of a hut. I met one mom who was so generous with her children.

I loved today! I loved seeing how the majority of Haitian people really live every day. One woman today gave me a bracelet that said: “love is only love when you give it away”. 

Walking up the mountain and seeing the beauty of the nature and the people and yet knowing the problems and corruption here as well just struck me a lot.

The best moment was Mass at the top of the mountain. It was great to see healthy babies and kids and the families of this village. I felt like it allowed me to appreciate a different aspect of Haiti.

I played with one little girl who just attached herself to me. It was so hard to say good bye to that little girl.

It was wonderful to see them taking pictures of us at Mass because it meant so much for them that we were there.

I loved having Mass with the community and seeing how much value and love the Mass and loved having us there. And how excited they are to build their school and build their community.

I did math problems forever with one little girl, she was so happy and loved showing me all she knew.

I just felt so connected and that we could understand each other today.

it is so hard to leave I feel like i could live here forever.

I felt such a sense of accomplishment to make it to the top of the mountain. it was so hard to get up, and I hated it, but it made me reflect on how small the things that worry me and made me hate it, and how more important the worries and challenges are for these people.

There was such a difference between the people who take all they can get and the people who in the same situation give to everyone around them.

I felt like today we moved from defense, to offense. To see all the projects and all they are doing to help their community really gave me hope.

The view was incredible! I loved it. 

About Katelyn Moroney

Katelyn Moroney is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was consecrated in the summer of 2002 and studied at Mater Ecclesiae College for the following four years. During her studies at Mater Ecclesiae she worked in the New York and New Jersey areas as well as venturing as far as Australia and New Zealand for her apostolic work. In 2006 she was assigned to work in Dallas, Texas with girls in programs like Challenge. Joining the Chicago team in the fall of 2009, Katelyn began working with high school and university students. She currently directs Mission Youth Missions.
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