Missionaries — homeward bound

missionariesI started this e-mail in Haiti two nights ago, finished yesterday during my flight back home and am just able to send it now. I know everyone is home safe and sound. Thank you for a wonderful mission!….

We dropped off the missionaries a couple hours ago and came back to bed. Fr Michael, Katelyn and myself who were here as mission staff are leaving at noon. Last night I could not get enough wifi to connect my computer since it was raining quite a bit, and I had also spent what was left of my energy  in card games with the kids; we had a fantastic evening to celebrate the end of the mission trip.

Yesterday we had Mass with the Missionaries of Charity at 6:30 am. Since it was the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the abandoned children they care for (about 20 of them) were also in Mass, the Chapel was pretty packed and Mass was beautiful! We had breakfast at the compound and started visiting with the children bright and early. They get five meals a day, and we got to feed them four of them! We spent time with the children until noon and then had our break to have lunch, a nap or chat. Oh! Juliana and Lucas got to be godparents of Juliana Veronica, a baby girl that was baptized in emergency and rushed to the hospital.

Around 2:30 some of us went back to the babies and others went to the Wounds Clinic to work with the Sisters who run it three times a week. At 4:00 we met with Sr. Mahima, a missionary of Charity originally from Detroit who shared with us her vocation story, stories about Mother Teresa and about her life as an MC.

In the evening we were able to shop from some local vendors who came to Walls, enjoyed the pool one last time, had dinner and then our night sharing. It was beautiful to hear how the mission touched each of the missionaries and what are they bringing home. This mission trip has been a huge blessing for each of us.


About Marial Corona

Marial Corona is a Consecrated Woman in Regnum Christi. She is from Puebla, Mexico, where she attended a Regnum Christi school and fell in love with Christ during Holy Week missions when she was in 7th grade. She made her first vows in Monterrey, Mexico in 2004 and then moved to the US where she obtained her B.A. in Religious and Pastoral Sudies at Mater Ecclesiae College in Greenville, RI. After that she has served in Pilgrim Queen of the Family and as a teacher in the consecrated women’s formation center in Monterrey. Since she enjoys teaching, she studied a Master’s in Philosophy in Navarra Spain and obtained her degree in June 2013. Now she lives in the Chicago community of Consecrated Women where she serves in the Mission Youth national office.
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