blindness cured

gronotte“Exult and proclaim… that the Lord has delivered his people” (first October 25). God has freed us and given us New Life! This should be our source of joy and reason to rejoice. In order to know that we have been freed, there had to have been a time in which we weren’t free. In the gospel today, Christ healed the blind man, Bartimaeus. Maybe we aren’t blind, like Bartimaeus, but there is another reality that at times we can’t see. Bartimaeus couldn’t see Christ physically, but he believed. He believed because he was in need. In the end this sight of faith opened the doors to be able to see. We have many things in our life which fog up God’s presence and we can’t see clearly. Only with an act of faith can we really see the need that is in our heart for Him. Once we see this need and turn to God letting Him be the one to cure us and fill us, then we will be able to rejoice because The Lord has freed us.

About Fr Andrew Gronotte LC

Fr Andrew Gronotte, born and raised in northern Kentucky entered the Legionary apostolic school in eighth grade in 1998, where he began his formation for the priesthood in the Legion. Currently he is finishing his theological studies in Rome, where he will be ordained in a little more than a year.
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