Monthly Archives: July 2015

Naked Planned Parenthood

I pray that the video series by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) will shock America and awaken our nation to the shame that is Planned Parenthood. The tapes are dramatic, raw and honest. Some members of the traditional media … Continue reading

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Christ at the center

“He who wishes for anything but Christ, does not know what he wishes; he who asks for anything but Christ, does not know what he is asking; he who works, and not for Christ, does not know what he is … Continue reading

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Haiti Mission Update 7

It was a great last day of missions here. We are all tired, but very happy with what we have been able to do and learn here. A few camp highlights for the girls today were limbo in the games … Continue reading

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Source and Summit

We call the Eucharist the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith. It is the source, the river of Life flowing from Christ’s pierced side. This river is the fount of all the graces we could ever want to walk … Continue reading

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Haiti Mission Update 6

Another fun-filled day at camp for us at St. Joseph’s school! We all agreed that today the girls were exceptionally well-behaved (for the most part…Diana and Bea had a rough time with the Red Team) and our transitions from station … Continue reading

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The Rules of Engagement, His Way

The disciples approached Jesus and said, “Why do you speak to the crowd in parables?” — Mt: 13:10 For a good while, I have heard a little heart whisper, as if the good Lord is telling me that by giving … Continue reading

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rest a while

Summertime is usually when we get to go away and rest for a little. We all need a break from our busy schedules. Even Christ takes a break with his disciples in today’s gospel. He wants to go away with … Continue reading

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Haiti Mission Update 5

What a wonderful Sunday we were able to live together here in Haiti today! In the morning, a few missionaries rode with the Missionaries of Charity to camp while the others climbed once more into our faithful green jeep (affectionately … Continue reading

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Haiti Mission Update 4

Today we had quite a different experience; a day full of contrasts! Here are a few words that we used to describe our day from our moment of sharing tonight: Humbling, love, hope, grateful, surreal, full, stretched, hope, Heaven, yes, … Continue reading

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Haiti Mission Update 3

We were blessed today by one of the “coolest days” we have ever had on missions—which was very welcome in our foray into summer camp today! Led by the van of the Missionaries of Charity, we drove through the streets … Continue reading

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