The Gaze of the Beloved

“I thank you my God for watching over my sleep like the fondest of mothers”

As I reflect on these words of our morning offering to the trinity, my mind contemplates the image of my Lord watching over my sleep with utter tenderness and with eager anticipation for me to awaken each day. How beautiful to contemplate that your gaze is focused on my face each day and to know that the first face I see each morning is the face of my beloved.

Just as a mother studies the face of her sleeping baby noting all the details of his face as he slumbers, enflamed with love and awe for the gift of this precious life, so to it is with my Lord.

Every day brings new discoveries as a mother anxiously awaits the revelation of that first smile, that first attempt at verbalization, that first time her baby reaches up to touch her face, and that first time he raises his arms to be scooped up into her embrace. All of these experiences bring joy to her heart.

So to it is with my Lord.

Just as a mother’s focus intensifies as her baby begins to stir from sleep ready to nurture and love him, so to it is with my Lord who anxiously waits for me to waken so that He can nurture and accompany me throughout my day.

Does my Lord already know everything there is to know about me? Yes he does. His joy comes not in the mystery of who I will become. His joy comes at my revelation of who HE is to me- the lover of my soul. He anxiously waits for me to discover all the gifts He has bestowed on me out of love.

His gaze is waiting with anticipation for me to arise and seek His face, raise my hands and willingly allow myself to be lifted into His embrace knowing with confidence He will provide for all my needs.


About Donna Garrett

Donna Garret -- Married 25 years, mother of 4, Registered Nurse, graduate of the Denver Biblical School and a longtime member of the Regnum Christi Family. Currently serving the Heartland as LCA, a member of the Regnum Christi Territorial Council and teaching Scripture Studies at St Stephen the Martyr Parish in Omaha.
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2 Responses to The Gaze of the Beloved

  1. Monica Cuasay says:

    Exactly what I needed to read, thank you!

  2. Lois Taylor says:

    Dear Donna,
    I’m puzzled because my RC Prayer Book does not have these words you quote as “these words of our morning offering”:
    “I thank you my God for watching over my sleep like the fondest of mothers”
    Mine simply says “…for watching over me last night.”

    Are there different versions/revised versions of our English Prayer Book?
    Thank you so much for clarifying.

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