Mission Farewell

We have reached our last night, tomorrow we will celebrate Palm Sunday with the Missionaries of Charity before heading to the airport and back home to all of you! It seems impossible that the mission is already over. Today we had some wonderful experiences, some spent the day at the Children’s home, others went to bind the wounds and distribute medicine at St. Joseph’s school with the Missionaries of Charity, a few went to visit the orphanage where one of the families on the trip adopted a little boy from a few years ago. It was a blessed day, and a beautiful end to our trip. 

Tonight, before ending with Mass we had a discussion about some of the things we were bringing with us back from this experience, the things we are leaving behind because of it, and how we would sum up the mission in one word. Here are a few of the things that were shared:

  • Missionaries of Charity impacted me the most.
  • I understand better what it means to pray for the dying and the sick. Now I have faces to think of as a pray for them.
  • This trip was humbling, the best part was the love I now have for the missionaries of Charity and I am planning to hunt them down to spend time with them when I get home!
  • I learned to serve with a loving heart which is more than just serving. I leave with and admiration for everyone on the mission and for the missionaries of Charity.
  • What stood out to me was humility, mercy, respect and pure joy in action. I want to leave behind my self-centerdness. I could summarize the trip as beautiful and painful.
  • I am leaving with a respect for the people here and all they do to get by on very little. I admire their courage. I feel very fortunate.
  • I take away from this week the importance of starting the day with God and inviting him with me through the day. I leave behind fear of leaving my comfort zone. I feel a deep gratitude for East Lake that has brought all of us together and brought my faith higher.
  • I admire the strength of the Haitian people. In my own life I take away a certainty that God will give us the strength I need. I leave behind fear of not being able to handle things, because I have seen this week a potential within myself that with God I can do many things. The work I would use to sum up the week is joy! I saw so much joy this mission.
  • What impressed me the most was the example of love that we lived here together.
  • I take away a much deeper love for Haiti. I admire their dignity and strength! I want to keep going to daily Mass and leave behind being judgmental because I experienced what true love is. If I had to summarize the experience I would say “Community”- everyone, the children, the patients, the sisters, the missionaries, everyone took care of each other.
  • My word to describe the mission is awesome. This has been the most incredible experience. I will take away with me the importance of taking time with people to be a sign of God’s love for them.
  • I take home the example of the sisters, they revitalized my spiritual life. I leave behind my Haitian friends, but I leave them behind with the sisters here taking care of everyone. And again the only word that can describe this mission is joy!
  • I have to say, my mom was right! Every reason she told me before was true. The mission helped me grow and it was worth all the sacrifice, it was a whole new experience and new culture. I am leaving behind the sense that poverty is far away and nothing you can do, this week I saw I can do something.
  • One of the things that stood out to me was Music is so powerful and universal. To sing together allowed us to be united beyond language.
  • What impressed me was understanding of how similar people really are all over the world. The girls here did what girls at home in Chicago do when they are together, talk, do each others hair and nails, laugh… I am leaving behind thinking it all depends on me and what I do, I did many things this week that were far beyond me, I know it depended on grace. The word that sums up the week is peace. It was a great week!
  • I am so grateful for everything, and I leaving behind the idea that one person can’t make a difference, everyday here I made a difference. Being there for each other can make a huge difference!



About Katelyn Moroney

Katelyn Moroney is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was consecrated in the summer of 2002 and studied at Mater Ecclesiae College for the following four years. During her studies at Mater Ecclesiae she worked in the New York and New Jersey areas as well as venturing as far as Australia and New Zealand for her apostolic work. In 2006 she was assigned to work in Dallas, Texas with girls in programs like Challenge. Joining the Chicago team in the fall of 2009, Katelyn began working with high school and university students. She currently directs Mission Youth Missions.
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