Monthly Archives: October 2014

Sixteen Children

Br. Paul Maleski’s mother Dorothy is a witness to trusting in God. She converted from Mormonism before marrying her husband. Together they had 16 children (Br. Paul is the third youngest). In 2004, when Paul was ten his father died … Continue reading

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Gratitude, humility or just plain silliness

This week’s crisis for professional football occurred when a Muslim player intercepted a pass, scored a touchdown, fell to his knees to pray and was promptly penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct. Apparently the officials didn’t realize what the player … Continue reading

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looking beyond the dreadlocks

It was Divine Mercy Sunday. I had just finished hearing confessions at a parish about an hour from home. The gas gauge in my car read “E” – the red side of “E”. So I pulled up at the first … Continue reading

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Is it time for the last first?

Long ago in the days of typewriters and carbon paper, I was editor of a small weekly newspaper in the Chicago suburbs. I was blessed to have two energetic and enterprising reports on my staff. One was a male with … Continue reading

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