Daily Archives: September 18, 2014

International meeting: The Pastoral Project of Evangelii gaudium

Organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization Rome, Sept 18-19-20 http://www.novaevangelizatio.va/content/nvev/en/eventi/Incontro-evangelii-gaudium.html http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/the-pastoral-project-of-evangelii-gaudium I was blessed to participate today in the first of three days in which the Church is inviting pastoral agents from all over the world … Continue reading

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Sisterhood: Unveiling Christ’s Own Heart

Over the years I’ve tried to distinguish the difference between the definition of a “friend” and of a “sister.” At least for me personally, one difference I’ve come to recognize is that friends may come and go, but sisters…don’t. Once … Continue reading

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