Giving His Life for Life

I’ve rarely met a more prolife person than Mike Stack.

When I served years ago as the office manager at Mother and Unborn Baby Care Problem Pregnancy Center in Southfield, Michigan, I got to know Mike through his volunteer work as an ultrasound technician there.

Mike died recently after suffering an aggressive bout with pancreatic cancer. (Click here for his obituary.)

During his life, Mike became a stalwart advocate for the organization Rachel’s Vineyard, which offers help and healing to those traumatized by abortion. He himself went through a healing retreat in that program. I remember asking him why, and he said it was for healing from having experienced the life of unborn babies during those ultrasound procedures, and then having some of those mothers decide to abort their children anyway.

I’m told one of the last things Mike said before he died was the lament, “50 million babies…” referring to the approximate count of children aborted since the Roe versus Wade decision in 1973.

In addition to making a contribution to Rachel’s Vineyard as Mike would have wanted, I want to make a suggestion to everyone who reads this blog. The wonderful documentary, the 40 film, will be available on DVD for purchase this October. (Click here to read a past blog I wrote about this film.) The film’s message about the effects of the past 40-some years since abortion became legal in our land are hard to ignore.

If you can, please order a copy for yourself and one to share. And tell everyone this film is available. The film’s promoters would like to encourage prolife groups and organizations to consider selling the DVDs.

Go to the 40 film website for updates on how to order.

May God bring Mike into eternal happiness, where he will be able to see the fruits of the prolife work to which he dedicated his life, and through the prayers of our Blessed Mother Mary, may we see an end to abortion in our lifetime.

About Kelly Luttinen

Kelly Luttinen works as a public relations advisor for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi. She is a wife and mother of four teens and lives in the metro-Detroit area.
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