Monthly Archives: June 2014


My dad passed away 30 years ago…from a brain tumor. Today, I lost a spiritual father when Fr Alvaro passed away…from a brain tumor. I learned my dad had died when I returned home from a long morning run. I … Continue reading

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If Americans had invented soccer

A great debate has been visited on America. Will Team USA perform to its highest potential in the World Cup? Has soccer finally captured America’s attention? Does the increased popularity of soccer in the United States portend the collapse of … Continue reading

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The Power of the Princess

When I was a little girl, I loved traditional fairy tales. My favorite was the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty. Without any knowledge of the ways of the world, I somehow knew there were great truths revealed in these tales. … Continue reading

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The Authority of the Handmaid

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to … Continue reading

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The feast of Corpus Christi…reminds me of the time…

It was Corpus Christi in 2010. I was in Orvieto, a small hilltop town in the Umbria region of Italy. Orvieto is famous for its white wine and more famous for a relic of a Eucharistic miracle. During the middle … Continue reading

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Philippines missions bringing hope

We can believe that the mission is almost over! For us here in the Far East Island of the Philippines, time has flown! Sunday was Prison Ministry; we celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi with the inmates. We distributed bread … Continue reading

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Formation of Conscience in Our Age

This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it? (John 6:60) I know I have quoted this scripture passage before. (I do tend to repeat myself on the same themes, if you haven’t noticed. But sometimes, things bear repeating.) I … Continue reading

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Saturday report from missions

These past couple of days have been busy and beautiful. Yesterday, we spent the day planning and preparing the classes for next week. You would have been amazed to see the missionaries’ dedication for almost six hours! Also, they made … Continue reading

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From Madrid Night Club to Roman Seminary

Things are at rest when they are in their proper place. The proper place for the heart of a human being is in the Heart of God.” St. Augustine I got to know Br. Julio Munoz seven years ago when … Continue reading

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Put on faith

Greetings from the Far East island of Manila! We have reached the halfway mark of our mission trip. Many things have happened and many experiences lived. On the first Sunday here, we attended mass in Tagalog, so we didn’t understand … Continue reading

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